Sunday, March 28, 2010

sad, sad times......

The Salem Witch Trials

One of the most infamous periods in the history of witchcraft, and really in the history of humanity and religion in general are related to what have since been deemed the Salem Witch trials. The Salem Witch Trials took place in the New World, more specifically the counties of Essex, Suffolk, and Middlesex of the colony of Massachusetts during the timeframe of Feb. 1692 and May of 1693. During this relatively short timeframe, over 150 people were accused of witchcraft and arrested and or jailed for their accused crimes. Of these people, at least 25 lost their lives. Some due to hanging, at least one man due to stoning, and several in prison awaiting trial and/or sentencing.

Of course, during this time, when what is now America was still a rag-tag collection of fledgling British colonies, much of the governing was done through autocratic religious fundamentalists, and virtually any behavior that did not specifically follow strict religious dogma and doctrine was believed by the masses to be related to witchcraft. Also, at this point there was very little actual understanding by most people about witchcraft, and witches were believed to be devil worshippers or worse. As has been the case throughout much of history, the ignorance of a few led to persecution and even the violent murder of those who were different.

Perhaps the biggest travesty of the Salem Witch Trials was related to the fact that no real proof was required to determine that someone was a practicing witch. Indeed, simple and baseless accusations of illegal and witchcraft related acts were generally all that was needed to brand one a witch. And once a person had been labeled as such by their peers or members of the government or the clergy, there was very little they could do to change people’s minds. Denials were seen as lies to prevent prosecution, and there was really nothing that anyone could say or do to convince others of their innocence. Indeed, it is very difficult to prove a negative in any case.

The initial accusations that spawned the Salem Witch Trials were related to the bizarre and inexplicable behavior of two girls; Betty Parris (age 9) and Abigail Williams (age 11). The girls were described to have had seizures or fits that could not be attributed to any known physical ailment. Soon thereafter, the girls bizarre ailments began to spread to other young women in the village, and the outspoken preacher Deodat Lawson soon decreed that their behavior was due to external manipulations at the hands of witches. From that initial accusation, people who were considered (for any reason) less than upstanding and pious were simply accused left and right of witchcraft. For the most part, they were of such social standing that no one stood up for them. And it was soon clearly demonstrated that if you stood up for a witch, you were likely a witch yourself.

The Salem Witch Trials were a period of extreme injustice for people (witches or not) throughout the colonies and around the globe. To this day, it is not fully known how many people may have been put to death for witchcraft during this period of hysteria.

J. Roslyn Antle, High Priestess

Unfortuneately not much has changed when it comes to the misunderstandings of witchcraft and this beautiful religion. There is still harsh judgement and bigotry involved in this religion. It breaks my heart to think of what happened in Salem and across the world in those times. Pagans/Wiccans are accused of devil worship and rediculous sacrafices of living's all REDICULOUS speculation and judgement based on nothing but FEAR of the unknown! I hope one day this world with practice what the buddha nad many other religions taught which is tolerance......and well, not to sound too judgemental myself but there isn't too many Eastern religions that practice tolerance and comapssion because if they did......we wouldn't still have the problems we have when it comes to religion!
I stand by one of  my favorite quotation's which is....FREEDOM OF RELIGION MEANS ANY RELIGION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Blessed Be.....Love and Light and ...NAMASTE

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A Beautiful Religion that I hold close to my heart....explained

Each moment of life, with all it's apparent imperfections and shortcomings, is complete, perfect and sacred just the way it is. Nothing needs to be added, subtracted or changes in anyway----NOTHING, that is, except your perception, your point of view. Throughout history, all the great masters and sages have realized this essential truth. In fact, this truth is your birthright, your natural state.
As simple as this truth may seem, however, it tends to elude us because we've been conditioned to view life in terms of the apparent seperate self we imagine ourselves to be. From this point of view, which is grounded in time, life is a struggle to survive in a difficult, imperfect world.
The spiritual 'journey' involves awakening us from this dream of seperation and realizing that peace and joy of our essential nature, which is pure wakefulness or presence, untouched and undisturbed by the struggles and circumstances of life. Only by awakening to your essential nature can you experience complete relief from suffering and dissatisfaction --what the Buddha called "sure heart's release."

This is just some of the ideas and concepts that come from Buddhism.....I will be blogging a lot regarding Buddha's teachings and concepts and ways Buddhism can bring a nice calming, peacful effect to your life. For me Buddhism gives me a really healthy mindful perspective in life. I do not choose 1 religion I have a path of my own and I am grateful for all of the different paths God has put on this earth for us to learn from.
If you are struggling currently in your life, with any situation as most of us are, the teachings and ideas here, if you allow yourself to be open can help you in your stuggles no matter what the struggle is.........

To Be Continued.......

Monday, March 22, 2010

A Religion, one of many that are....misunderstood...

What is Paganism?

Paganism is believed to be the oldest religion of the world. Even though the origin of this religion is unclear, there are many people who are of the opinion that paganism can be dated back to the Paleolithic times. They feel that this religion started out because of the desire of human beings to find out about the unknown and also to attempt to harmonize with the heavenly force. This is something that was discovered through the statues and paintings of the ancient people in the caves.

Pagan is a word that is a derivative of Paganus (a Latin word) that means a civilian and the word referred to those people who were country dweller, not the Roman military. During the time when Christianity was considered to be the official language of Rome, people who followed a religion before this one were referred to as pagans. The pagans were people who believed in a religion that was before Christianity. However, this term is used to portray the different spiritual paths with affinity with nature. You will find that the concepts that were important for the purpose of carrying on with live is valued and respected even at present. The principles of these concepts have been preserved although modified to go with the modern lifestyle.

If you ask me what the pagans believe in then I will have a difficult time giving you this answer because they have various kinds of belief systems. I suppose it will be alright to say that just like there are various kinds of Christians, likewise there are also various kinds of pagans. Different individuals have their own unique technique of worshipping and they also have different viewpoints about the afterlife. What’s more, they also have different opinions when it comes to the heavenly. On the other hand, the beliefs of all the pagans are not in any way bounded by dogma as they do not have strict guiding principles that have to be followed by all. On the other hand, this can not be taken to say that the pagans have no ethics or morals. You need to understand that the followers of this religion have the tendency to follow the universal laws instead of the laws made by man. They are of the opinion that each and every individual have the right to follow the path that they wish to follow and they are also free to worship in any way they want, so long as the actions taken by them do not violate someone else’s freedom.

The followers of this religion are of the opinion that the earth has creative energy and has the power to give life to living beings. You need to understand that paganism is a religion where the divinity includes female as well as male. The pagans worship the god (who is the male principle) and the goddess (who is the female principle). It is because of this perspective of absolute opposite that makes the pagans believe that there can not be good without bad and it is not possible for us to have light without darkness.

Essentially, the followers of paganism attempt to have harmony and balance with the outer environment and also within themselves. While many people may think that paganism means worshipping the devil, you need to understand that this is not true at all. The pagans do not worship the devil. Many people are also of the opinion that paganism is a religion that believes in brain washing its members and sacrificing children but this is completely untrue. This is not what paganism is about. The followers of this religion strictly believe that you will get back what you give to others. Paganism is a religion that makes an attempt to make the people conscious about humanity.

J. Roslyn Antle, High Priestess

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Words To Live By 2

"Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time."-Thomas Edison..

."Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen."-Ralph Waldo Emerson...

"Some of the greatest battles will be fought w/in the silent chambers of your own soul"-Ezra Taft Benson..
.ONE WORLD•*¨☮*• ♪ ONE LOVE*☮♫♪♥ ॐ ♥ॐ *NAMASTE *☮♫♪ ॐ ♥ •*☮*• ♪ ♫•♥☮ॐ ღⓛⓞⓥⓔღ ...Much Lღ√Ƹ...ॐ.

"The point of power is always in the present moment. The past is over and done and has no power over me. I can begin to be free in this moment. Today's thoughts create my future. I am in charge. I now take my own power back. I am safe and I am free." - Louis Hay

Monday, March 15, 2010

chaotic mind.....

what would it be like to be truly excuses, no apologies? What if we could accept ourselves exactly as we are...the good, the bad, the beautiful, the difficult? Imagine the freedom of dropping all the pretenses, of speaking our truth. How much energy we'd have if we stopped trying to hold it all together?  Today I feel heartbroken, by many things in my life....I feel endlessly misunderstood and what I want to achieve so badly in this life seems to be drifting further away. My faith and spirituality keep me going, my kids and my special someone keep me going.....with out them I am not sure where I would be. There are obstacles everywhere, devious people everywhere and I am not sure where this all is suppose to be taking me. For someone who does not like conflict..there seems to be an abundance of it in my life right now. So the only thing there is to do is to learn something from what is going on in my life. Hmmmmmmm...definately easier said than done  because usually you don't realize what you have learned until the storm has passed and you have the ahh ha moments. When you're in the midst of all the stress...well, atleast me...everything is being analyzed and thoughts are scurring all around, and it isn't always easy to see things in a clear view with all of the chaos. So from here I will take control of the ONLY thing I have control of , me and my actions and reactions to this world and the people in it.Until my chaos setttles I will JUST BREATH......
Love and Light******

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Words to live by 1....

"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself."
- Harvey Fierstein

"When we walk to the edge of all the light we have to take a step into the darkness of the unknown, we must believe that 1 of 2 things will happen. Either there will be something solid for us to stand on.....or, we will be taught to fly."
- Unknown

"What other people say or think about us is none of our business.... as long as we are coming from a Loving Place and doing the Best we can."     Namaste

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My Very First Blog....

I am curious to see how my blogging will evolve or if it will at all. I am full of random information and also passionate about different things and thought it would be a good idea to put it out there for people to read. Maybe it will actually help people, then again maybe not. It's all about the experience in the end anyway ...right? I am reaching out beyond my comfort zone with this and I think that is an important thing for everyone to do at one time or another. We can't stay in our safe zone at all times....well, we can but what are we really getting from that? Taking risks and being vulnerable are a necessary part of life if we want to really experience what this life has to offer. I am one that has so many ideas on any given day....I don't act on them, I usually talk myself out of them which is a really bad self-sabatoging habit. So my goal is to put myself out there a little bit and get some ideas and thoughts out into the world wide web and see what happens. This blogging thing I guess is kind of a public diary of sorts.....I don't have a specific subject matter so this blog will be very eclectic so I hope whoever does read it enjoys it...and hopefully everyone can ignore my horrible spelling ;)
Love and Light*****